Friday, February 26, 2010

accomplished: poetry in dorms

i just got home from a walk in the rain after slipping a poem under the door/in the door of every resident in Ethel Moore Hall.  Hopefully.  that place is a maze with three floors, like half-floors, and windy curvy craziness. so, i may have missed a few people.  but, i gave away 82 copies of my poem, "in books."  here are some (completely backwards order because i dont quite get blogger yet )photos from the process:

"for you"

this is Ethel Moore.

thanks to Cornelia Nixon, my thesis instructor, who sat down in the middle of Mills Hall and folded poems with me.

Here is the poem:

In books

February 22, 2010


Poetry in books

Small things in nooks

Feathers in the sky

Birds fly through

Wind sifting by



Brave and thin

sparkling in

Through scents of morning meals

And the turning of wheels

Tiny scraps of metal

Little specs of dirt

Interesting faces


Tiny little spaces

Tiny words

Tiny hearts, big words

Spread across a banner like a table cloth

Here is my heart

She gives it away to strangers

Poetry in books

Poetry in you hand

My heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenna,
    I'm one of the recipients of your poem. It was a lovely thing to come home to, and I just wanted to say thanks.
